Linguistics departments (women/overall)

Gender distribution among faculty (June 11, 2015)à

Of the 33 departments listed below, only seven have 50% or more female faculty (indicated by >50; it used to be nine). Worst faculties (25% or less of female faculty) are indicated by this font.

When possible, I provide the numbers for full-time faculty, not cross appointed.

Rob Malouf has suggested looking at gender ratios at universities that do not grant a PhD, and indeed, for various California state universities there are more women than men at linguistics departments.

marks new information
and signify an increase or a decrease in the proportion of female faculty

Previous measurements (February 2012 with some updates for February 2013, 2005-2007)

North America

The improvements shown by a number of places is actually sometimes due to people departing; in four universities (out of 10) it is due to recent hires: Maryland, Princeton, Stanford and UPenn. UPenn used to be the worst, but is now much better.


To be continued. Comments and additional information very welcome

à Some information may be older than this date. I try to keep track of the date when I have checked the departmental website.

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